#IndyBandsTogether - You may have seen the hashtag on social media recently and so we wanted to find out more about this campaign. Damar Services is the company behind it and we brought them in the studio to learn more about what it means. Plus Big Lug Canteen is here they brought drinks and cake! Find out what is happening at Big Lug Canteen and we have more weird and wacky news from Paul Poteet this week on Edge of Indy.
Damar Services is great organization located on the southwest side of Indianapolis. If you haven't heard of them before they help people challenged by autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and related behavioral challenges to live more successful lives.
As a parent of a child with autism, intellectual or developmental disabilities, the fear of losing a child is too real. They are prone to running away or wandering off and in that instance, the sooner someone is found the better. So, as a part of their mission, Damar launched a campaign with the Indianapolis Colts called #IndyBandsTogether where they are raising funds with the help of local firefighters to buy wristbands or anklets with small transmitters to help find a missing person quickly.
To learn more about this campaign, please visit: http://www.damar.org/indybandstogether
A garbage truck crashes into an interesting place, an urn donated to the Salvation Army, and a couple gets a surprise in their latest order from Amazon! All these stories and more from this week's Paul Poteet on the Edge. Here are this week's stories:
A garbage truck plowed into a *interestingly*-named business - http://13wham.com/news/local/garbage-truck-driver-goes-to-bathroom-truck-rolls-crashes-into-building
A Salvation Army thrift store in New Hampshire has received an urn apparently filled with cremated remains - http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/20171020/urn-with-ashes-donated-to-salvation-army-store
Florida couple ordered storage totes from Amazon. They got a bonus. 65 pounds of weed - http://wfla.com/2017/10/23/florida-couples-amazon-order-included-65-lbs-of-weed/
Eddie Sahm, the owner of Big Lug Canteen, joins us this week on the Edge of Indy to talk about all of his area restaurants - Sahm's Tavern, Sahm's Place, Sahm's Ale House, Sahm's at Parkwood, Sahm's Restaurant and Pub, Sahm's Atrium at the Tower and Big Lug Canteen.
And of course, he brought us some drinks and his specialty - coffee cake!
Join Nate and Erin in the conversation as they talk food, beer, and the Indianapolis restaurant scene!
To see the menu of Big Lug Canteen, please visit: http://biglugcanteen.com/
Do you want to know about communities that are growing in Central Indiana - look no further than Fishers, Indiana. They are exploding with new openings (IKEA & Top Golf) and when you talk about cutting edge, they are the place to be. We're also bringing back Jennifer Magley of Open Gym Indy to talk about her incredible event Fempire Rising. All this and more, today on the Edge!
It's an exciting time to live in Fishers, Indiana and we are excited to talk to the mayor of Fishers Scott Fadness this week! In the past month, three major openings have happened in Fishers - IKEA, Top Golf, and Portillos. So this week we get the behind the scenes view of what it took to draw those companies to his town and Central Indiana.
Prior to his election as the first mayor of Fishers, Scott Fadness was the Town Manager from 2011-14 and the Deputy Town Manager from 2009-11 and helped oversee the day-to-day operations of the public works, engineering, fleet management and the parks & recreation departments. And at only 35 years old, what does the future hold for Mayor Fadness? Listen to our fun interview with the Mayor of Fishers, Scott Fadness!
To learn more about Fishers and their economic development corporation, please visit: http://fishersecondev.com/
Paul Poteet has more wild and wacky stories for us to talk about this week! Here are this week's stories:
An Indiana pathologist was hauling human organ samples in his pickup truck and toting a vodka bottle when he was arrested on drunken driving charges - https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2017/10/16/pathologist-caught-human-organ-samples-vodka-during-owi-arrest-gets-probation/767112001/
Photographer photoshops himself into pictures of himself as a kid - https://conornickerson.com/en/projects/childhood/?goal=0_c01849cdd6-33555315eb-234158489
Another map! From each state...the best-known brand headquartered in that state - https://www.facebook.com/amazingmap1/photos/a.853968798052122.1073741828.853964498052552/982619351853732/?type=3&theater
She's back. Yes. The one and only Jennifer Magley of Open Gym Indy is back on the Edge and she's here to talk about her upcoming event called Fempire Rising.
Fempire Rising is an interactive event designed for women who are doing big things in Central Indiana. At the event, women will get insight, tangible tips, and actionable takeaways to help improve their own business or idea.
To see the line up of speakers, or to get your own ticket, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-gym-indy-presents-fempire-rising-tickets-36802550419
To learn more about Open Gym Indy: http://www.opengymindy.com/
We are excited about today's show! We are very proud to have with us some incredible people dedicated to the awareness of women in business. We're talking to Women & Hi-Tech as well as the Pass the Torch for Women Foundation - All this today on the EDGE!
The Women & Hi-Tech organization was founded in 1999 and they are a non-profit professional organization dedicated to supporting women in STEM industries, specifically the Indianapolis area youth. Audrey Taylor, the President at Women & Hi-Tech, and Darcy Lee, the Vice President of Women & Hi-Tech, come on the show today to talk about their organizations and a couple of their outreach programs called Your Superpower! & Passport to Hi-Tech.
If you would like to learn more about the organization, please visit their website: http://www.womenandhitech.org/
Paul Poteet is back this week with some more amazing/crazy/incredible stories. Here is this week's lineup:
Police say a central Wyoming man they arrested for public intoxication claimed he had traveled back in time to warn of an alien invasion - http://k2radio.com/bryant-johnson-of-casper-arrested-for-public-intoxication-claimed-to-be-a-time-traveler/
The Netherlands paved a bike path with recycled toilet paper - https://www.curbed.com/2017/10/6/16435030/netherlands-bike-paths-toilet-paper-pavement
Supposedly the most popular Halloween candy in each state. HOT TAMALES? I don't believe it. In Michigan, it's supposed to be candy corn. They lie! - https://www.candystore.com/blog/facts-trivia/halloween-candy-map-popular/
Pass the Torch for Women started in 2011 and was originally called the Mentoring Women's Network and was founded by Alison Martin-Brooks. This network of women joined together to share best practices and support each other professionally in hopes to grow women leaders. As the organization continued to grow, they changed their name to Pass the Torch For Women in 2014 and became a non-profit organization.
Samantha Burke, the National Program Director of Pass the Torch for Women, Julie Petr, the Executive Director of Pass the Torch for Women, and Ariel Crawley, the Director of IvyWork at the Indy Women in Tech, all join Edge of Indy in this episode to talk about their organization and to talk about Pass the Torch Netwalk at the Artsgarden in the Circle Centre Mall.
To learn more about this organization, please visit their website: http://passthetorchforwomen.org/
Centric's Day of Innovation is right around the corner - learn more about this event at Butler University. Plus find out what is new and exciting in Johnson County as we talk to the newly formed tourism bureau called Journey Johnson County. We also have another exciting segment with Paul Poteet - This week on the Edge of Indy!
Centric is an Indianapolis-based network that helps connect, educate, and celebrate innovation in the state of Indiana. Jason Williams, the executive director of Centric, Inc., is doing this with their weekly newsletter, monthly innovation workshops, and their yearly Indiana Innovation Awards.
Each fall, hundreds of people gather at Butler University for their Day of Innovation conference and this year's conference takes place on Thursday, October 12.
If you are interested in learning more about the Day of Innovation, please visit: http://dayofinnovation.com/
If you want to learn more about Centric, please visit: https://www.centricindy.org/
Paul Poteet has some very interesting stories this week including weird college majors, counterfeit Barbies, a panda riding a motorcycle, plus a bonus episode of some curious dolphins!
Ten things you won't believe you can major in...including puppetry and Canadian Studies.
Customs officers seize $85,824 worth of counterfeit Barbies
A concerned motorist called 911 to report this motorcycle rider out wearing a panda head.
BONUS if you like....it's just a few seconds of dolphins checking out squirrels at Seaworld Orlando Dolphin Nursery
Journey Johnson County is a new website and tourism group that helps residents and visitors find the best festivals, events, restaurants, lodging and more if you want to visit Johnson County. Kenneth Kosky, the Director of Tourism for Journey Johnson County, joins us on the show to talk about all the Fall Festivals and events happening in Johnson County this year.
If you want to learn more about Journey Johnson County and all the cools things there are to do in Johnson County, please visit their website: https://www.journeyjohnsoncounty.com/
This week on the Edge of Indy we welcome Indiana Originals to talk about their organization and how they help us shop locally. Plus a new app just launch (you may have heard of it!) called SnapShyft and they are looking to play a big role in your local restaurants and venues!
Indiana Originals is online directory focused on highlighting local companies and businesses to encourage people to buy and support local!
Mel McMahon-Stone joins the Edge of Indy to talk about where the idea for Indiana Originals came from and the plans she has for the website and connecting local businesses.
To learn more about their story and Indiana Originals, please visit their website: https://www.indianaoriginals.com/
Paul Poteet on the Edge this week features stories about a hero bridegroom, a funny gift/note left at the scene of an accident, and we have our continuing coverage of the serial pooper in Colorado. Here are the links to this week's articles:
Canadian bridegroom saves kid from drowning during a photo shoot - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41391191
A woman came out to find someone hit her car and left behind an apology note, some cash – and a half-smoked joint - http://kxan.com/2017/09/26/colorado-driver-leaves-marijuana-joint-as-apology-for-damaging-car/
Charmin has offered the serial pooper – who’s been unloading outside a Colorado Springs family’s home for several weeks – a year’s supply of toilet paper if she surrenders - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/charmin-offers-year-supply-toilet-paper-mad-pooper-article-1.3513451
Have you heard about the latest tech company here in Indy? They are called SnapShyft and they are looking to connect service professionals with restaurants and venues with just the click of a button.
If you are a restaurant owner and you have a server not show up on a Friday night or forgot about the concert downtown, you can staff up your restaurant with extra workers with SnapShyft.
Thor Wood and Stephanie Corliss both co-founded the company and we were lucky enough to have them in our studio to talk more about SnapShyft, the idea behind it, and what we can expect from them in the future!
To learn more about SnapShyft, please visit their website: https://www.snapshyft.com/